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Chinese translation for "amount of imports"

输入额, 进口额

Related Translations:
estimated amounts:  预算造价
creditable amount:  抵免额
adhesion amount:  附着量
cumulative amount:  累积数额
aggregate amount:  总价/金额总金额总款额;总额
discrete amount:  个别量
credit amount:  信贷额信贷金额;赊帐金额;信用证金额
delivery amount:  交付金额
filling amount:  充填量装粉量
full amount:  全额到达
Example Sentences:
1.The measure of the net cost of a tariff depends critically on the estimate of the amount of imports it discourages .
2.Net exports of goods and services , consisting of the amount of exports minus the amount of imports
3.The amount of import and export of mechanical and electrical equipment in 2000 both first broke through 100 billion us
4.The total amount of import and export in the year 2003 reached to usd 5 . 9 hundred millions
2003年进出口总额为5 . 9亿美元。公司已通过英国sgs公司iso9001质量体系认证。
5.With china ' s entry into wto , the amount of import and export will increase , which offers more opportunities
随着中国加如wto ,中国进出口贸易额将逐步扩大,为航空货运提供了更加广阔的机会和市场空间。
6.The rapid growth of the amount of import and export owes much to the open door policy . steps should be taken to increase the export amount
7.The table shows china import and export situation . the amount of imports and exports incresed steadily from 1950 to 1985 . the amount of imports is greater than the exports
8.Article 13 for the goods limited in importation that are under the administration of quotas , the administrative departments of import quotas shall promulgate the total amount of import quotas for the next year at no later than july 31 of each year
9.The quota level will be 7 . 5 percent above the amount of imports of these products from china entered during the first 12 months of the most recent 14 months preceding the month in which the request for consultations was made
10.At present , there are a large amount of import electronic components used in the internal electronic equipments , thus the progress , cost and reliability of development effort have been always influenced by the purchase of import electronic component
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